

1 comment:

Erk said...

To place the above (particularly the "fan") in its proper context with regard to a recent Twitter exchange between @BallethArthritiq & @praveena108:
'The Friendly Vindication [the pamphlet discussed above], however, is ascribed to “Sr Robert Howard” on the Bodleian copy (Mal. B. 288[9]; Oliver, p. 118). He might have written it; so might his brother Edward. Yet whether either of them, with their experience in the theatre, could have done such a feeble job of dramatization seems doubtful. Also, one wonder whether they would have debased themselves and their family by printing either of the following phrases: “his Imagination (whatsoever his person is) was sufficiently lascivious” or “the Dildo of Mr. Drydens Muse, so neatly applied to all the females of the Town” (p. 12).' -McFadden, p. 154