
Present Gaols:
  1. Note on capaciousness
  2. Comment on 21st-century technologies*
  3. Reference to Urmi
  4. Broader history*
  5. Summaries
  6. Submit to the introduction, its draftiness
  • Take Harrington home
  • Pick up Women of Grub Street, et al.
To be clear, some of these things (*) were accomplished more in spirit than in full: today was most spriritual in its crossings-offs.

1 comment:

tooknap press said...

I love number six. I came by this morning to check in on it and wasn't expecting crossingouts! I'm experiencing a shift. Gone from contemplating draftiness to the spirituality of crossing off, which is most definitely not crossing out.

{of course, I also love thinking of you picking up Women of (on) Grub Street, tee hee, too hoo. Where is Grub Street? It sounds filthy. Some underpass somewhere, shot in black and white.}