For Halloween, I want to be Mountain Rivera, freshly defeated by Cassius Clay. More to come on Mountain and Requiem for a Heavyweight. Happy Halloween.
For Halloween, I want to be one of the ghosts that somersaults over the heads of samurai in Shindo's Kuroneko. Or a gorgeous shot of the camera moving through bamboo in the same film. Or the snow.
1949. William Helm at Trout Lake Station, a research outpost founded in 1924 by two UW biologists and still active as a vital component of the Center of Limnology .
This has been a best for many years now-- ever since Kenneth and I spied, in the fish case at Dick's in Dodgeville, Wis., prawns identified by a hand labeled sign as "large prongs."
"It took most of my life, countless mistakes and decades of pain and suffering to reach this point of equanimity and acceptance."
Brussels Sprouts. The farmer, when I picked up one of these tremendous stalks: "Ders a lot of dem on dere!" A truer statement wasn't made at Saturday's market. Gorgeous radicchio. Superstar onions-- so sweet and so juicy! Rapini, which is rare here and a personal favorite. Three kinds of garlic-- if only I could remember the varieties. More kohlrabi and beets for more latkes. Bartlet pears, galas, honey crisps, golden delicious. The massive brussels sprout stalk inflicted minor bruising, I'm afraid. Not pictured: corn, turnips
Emma Samuelsson delivers one of my all-time favorite performances-- stunning.