
Best of

1. I like a list.

2. After a dreadful holiday season, I'm all about renewal. Which is partly why Kenneth and I currently are binging on "Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew."

3. But a solid recovery from the end of 2009 will include (for me) reflection on the lovely things of the past year. I'm masterfully adept at forgetting the good.

4. Best of
- is mindful of the good,
- is breezy,
- is between renewal and reflection,
- is cleansing as such,
- is appealingly obtuse,
- is pencil-to-tongue-to-paper business,
- is cute in its critical trumpery,
- is brass tacks,
- is readily tossed aside should it becomes tedious,
- is nice.
5. Let me know if you have any Best of thoughts on 2009. I like a list.


MC said...

Best of Erk - A quick list by MC:

-learning about m'so-on and m'so-fourth and how to implement it all into m'day-to-day

-frequent posts of delicious, wholesome and nutritious foods.

-erk's eye behind the camera becoming more and more saavvvy and artful

-nods to MC (make me feel special)

-chatter of socialites and aristocrats being everything but a class act

-spot sequence

-UW Archives - ALWAYS SUPERB and inspiring (I gather them in a folder on my own harddrive)

-New Year message ringing in 20TEN


Erk said...

thanks, mc. xo