


tooknap press said...

this post arrived just at the right time! I strive to be like moominmamma in all things. xo

Erk said...

A new longer term goal is to make a cake based on this drawing. xx

tooknap press said...

have you finished reading comet? if you have, I have something important to say about this cake. if you've only read the images, I will wait until you've read the words to tell you about it.

Erk said...

Finished it on the flight home from Seattle! Please say something important about this cake!

tooknap press said...

I was completely blown away by how Moominmamma spent the final hours & minutes before a comet was scheduled to destroy her home baking & then decorating a cake for her son, who, mind you, had disappeared without a trace. Fearless! & so, the slogans of Moominmamma:

Strive to be like Moominmamma in all things.

Welcome all strange creatures
into your home without question.

Fear not the comet that hurtles
towards your home

and, while waiting,
ice the cake you baked
for your beloved child,

sure in the faith
he will return.

Erk said...

It's breathtaking. What I remembered (before you reminded me of the above) was that they transported the cake and enjoyed eating it even after Muskrat sat on it: "I can't see it. Muskrat, have you seen a cake anywhere?"

tooknap press said...

Later on, in Finn Family Moomintroll, Muskrat alludes to sitting on the "chocolate shape" as a humiliating experience, one of the many he's had to endure amongst the Moomins. He then decides to live an ascetic, solitary life in the cave.

The cave is very important.

FFM is PERFECTLY read aloud by Hugh Laurie on audiobook! I've listened to it about a million times in the doll room.

Erk said...

I'm totally going to make this cake (aka chocolate shape) as a reward to myself. Probably late February. Keep your fingers crossed.

tooknap press said...

shopping list:
chocolate (valhrona? hershey's?)
pale yellow lemon peel
crystallized pear
spun sugar

we didn't even discuss yet the fact that the cake is THREE TIERED