
The Life of the Mind Makes Me Hangry

I've just come from a symposium in honor of Eric Rothstein who will retire at the end of this semester. The event was, with few exceptions, terrific. I particularly value the opportunity to hear Rothstein lecture one last time. His talk reminded me why I found him to be so intellectually engaging and why he lured me into the field of 18th-century literature.

Amazingly, his talk concluded a session that began at 9:30 am and concluded at 2:00 pm, with only two very short breaks, one of which the event's organizer unsuccessfully tried to dispense with. Four hours of academic papers is one thing... five hours without food of any kind is another. I thought I might lose my mind-- or maul an innocent-- before I fed myself.


Swill to Power said...

Were there any Rothesteinian moments / comments that you would describe as "vintage" ER? I was sad not to be able to make the magister's well deserved fete.

Erk said...

The event involved many remarks on the receding hairlines of Weinbrot and Rothstein, in good part because Weinbrot incorporated into the program and posters an image of the young, hirsute Rothstein. Rothstein reported that his most recent hair cut cost a mere $4.50. Masterfully mimicking the barber's voice: "Oh, I did so little work that I just charged you for a beard trim."