
From the UW Archives: Primary Post

Introducing a new feature in which I post choice finds from the UW-Madison's archives, which I've dipped into recently while working on Dance Program documents and publications.


Anonymous said...

what a great photo. as i recall learning when i was getting my dance degree, the basement studio is the bottom of that pool...

Erk said...

Yes! There are other lovely photos of Lathrop Hall's former pool. I will search them out.

I am endlessly fascinated by the former pool. I suppose it's not much different from a former bathtub, yet it has a mystique that tugs at me.

My office is just around the corner from there.

I love the sparkles on the far right of the image.

Anonymous said...

my favorite photo in the building is on the third floor outside the theater: margaret h'doubler teaching anatomy along side a skeleton that looks eerily the similar to the dance pioneer. i always got a kick out of that one!

Erk said...

I'm so familiar with that image of h'doubler that I take it for granted. I promise to post it. There are a number of pics of marge teaching with a skeleton, but the one of which you write is certainly the best.
