
Kitchen Triplets

from Townsend, TN - Vacation - Summer 2007

* I brought
  1. a basil plant,
  2. a grater,
  3. a pepper mill.

* I wished for
  1. cayenne pepper,
  2. Gruyère,
  3. more than two working electric burners.

* I bought
  1. parchment paper,
  2. a reamer,
  3. a fine-mesh strainer.

* I discovered
  1. an electric can opener,
  2. a filthy cast-iron skillet (which I bleached and re-seasoned),
  3. a soufflé dish.

* I prepared tons of
  1. okra (fried mostly but also stewed with tomatoes and orange peppers),
  2. gougères (sans Gruyère),
  3. (Kenneth having requested them because Lurline always served him a surfeit) Tollhouse chocolate-chip cookies.

We had okra almost every night. When someone asks me where I'd like to establish my career, I plan to tell them, "Any place where local okra is plentiful and reasonably priced."*

*Willy St. Co-op currently has too-big okra for $6/lb. No dice. I can find it at the Saturday Farmers Market, but I have to go very early...

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