
From This Weekend's Market

I missed the market last week: the morning was too gloomy, too rainy, and I desperately needed to sleep in. It would have been a huge mistake had Kenneth's difficultly busy week not altered our regular eating patterns. I did pop into last Tuesday's East Side Market for some lacitano kale, tomatoes, and yellow wax beans. On Saturday, though, I was back to business as usual.

Three varieties of potato.

White beets. They're delicious. And-- I think-- I take an odd pleasure in the fact that they lack that characteristic which is most generally associated with the vegetable-- its potent hue.

Beet greens, the roots having been removed for separate storage.

Cranberry beans.

Baby artichokes remain irresistible.

A veritable winter holiday of okra.

Marconi beans (baby romanos).

Heirloom tomatoes.

A sizeable cauliflower nonetheless categorized for sale as "small."

Bi-color corn from the blondest family of farmers. They're lovely. Even their plastic bags are bright golden.


tooknap press said...

A blonde taught me luminosity.

MC said...

I fully understand the odd pleasure of colorless beets. But what thrill is there in finding no pink pee to follow up a tasty beety meal? NONE!