

Plums from past weeks at the market. The first time I bought fruit from this great older husband and wife team, I quickly dumped a plastic container of the plums I wanted into a recycled plastic bag I'd brought along with me. The wife farmer, who had been helping another customer, looked at me with horror and then looked at husband farmer in a fury. We were both accused of potentially bruising the fruit. This, mind you, is uncharacteristic of the market culture in which most farmers reuse plastic containers, sending produce home with customers in plastic bags alone. The following week, I gently ribbed wife farmer: "I thought you were going to reach over the table and slap me!" She reacted shyly as Wisconsinites are often want to do in such circumstances, but I spied a blush of acknowledgment. And husband farmer responded, "If the customer wants to do that, then..."-- an explanation that sounded like it had been first delivered and later repeated to wife farmer in his own defense. Nevertheless, then and in future weeks, I was all too happy to let my plums be packed carefully and safely in their plastic container within a hefty paper bag. I wholeheartedly appreciate that wife farmer serves the fruit before all else-- before the customer and before the marital contract. The plums were all the more delicious because of it.

1 comment:

tooknap press said...

Blown away by these photos. The lighting is so beautiful, & the mottled texture of the packing material; they remind me of a camera telescoping through canals inside the body, as if the plums were in utero - -

I always love your market photos, but have difficulty spending time with them due to the lack of available produce here! I also find them difficult to put words to, but I'm probably just too lazy to to so.

this morning's cake was a wheat-free jaggery sweetened adjustment of moosewood cooks for a crowd's applecake recipe (I decided applecake should be one word). I liked that the pan was covered with sesame seeds before pouring in the batter, making a kind of crust! too bad I overtoasted the sesames the other day, else it would have been perfect {perfection is impossible to come by, here}. yesterday I did red velvet cupcakes but fear that no one really got it. I was happy with breakfast's banana cake, though, and peanut butter blossoms starring Amma's prasad hershey kisses. Kisses!

p.s. just noticed blogspot's kind offer to "choose an identity" below, after all this time.