
7 Songs for Now

  1. Yacht, Waste of Time
  2. Swans, Fool #2
  3. Anya Marina, Whatever You Like
  4. any track from Zola Jesus, The Spoils
  5. Hot Butter, Popcorn
  6. Judy Garland, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
  7. Ooioo, Sol
also the brilliant intro to Rhianna's Hard, but just the intro.


Drew said...

I am listening to a Fleet Foxes - have you heard their song Blue Ridge Mountains? I think you'd like...simile lives!

Erk said...

I heart FF but I don't know BRM. Will check it out on Simile. I am really into first aid kit's cover of "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song." Happy New Year!