
It's Alive (1974)

It's Alive has one of the most beautiful, captivating credit sequences I've ever seen.

It's Alive has brilliant music by Bernard Herrmann.

It's Alive includes this frame with a sentiment I sometimes radiate: "Stop Children."

It's Alive poses questions that I find intriguing-- questions about what it means to give birth to a murderer, the plausibility of a murderer who is also an innocent, etc.


Anonymous said...

I like seeing your ghost (and those of your cut-out wooden soldiers) in the photos. Is that a mandolin hanging on the wall?

Kenneth Burns said...

I'm stunned you can make that stuff out, Bradford. I can't see it at all. That is indeed a mandolin, my 1960s Stella. My dad bought it during the folk revival but discovered that calluses on his fingertips made it hard to perform surgery. So he gave it up. The instrument looks just like this.

Erk said...

Bradford has an eye for antiques! More to come.