
Just like my mom used to make

I keep the legacy of my mother's kitchen alive in many ways. I remember the thoughtfulness of her cooking, I've internalized her dedication to well-rounded meals, I celebrate her devotion to chocolate, and I aspire to her generosity and poise as a host. For a variety of reasons, I do not, however, reprise many of the dishes she made when I was growing up.

The other evening, however, I fried okra-- breading it simply with cornmeal and a hint of salt and browning it until the sides of the slices were wonderfully crunchy while the inside of each piece was still soft, moist, and flavorful. As I drained the little treats on a paper towel and salted them, I realized with pride that I'd accomplished fried okra just like my mom used to make.


MC said...

This is heartwarming and wonderful. If your generosity and poise as host is any reflection of your mother's, then she was surely quite a gal!

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Regards, Chris
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