
Lolzie Mercie!: An Open Letter to Bradford

Bradford sent me a terrific package of things, and-- because we've encountered trouble with shipping before-- he asked me to let him know when it arrived.

Yesterday, I texted him:
I has package. -LOL-Erkz

He responded:
Why LOL, Miz Miss?

I wasn't laughing in response to the package but rather intended to cast myself recklessly into the lolcraze, which I adore.

It all began, as I understand it, with lol cats. Were it not for Kenneth and Bradford, I would never know about such internet phenomena as lol cats, gofugyourself.com, etc., etc. Needless to say, I'm endlessly grateful. Kenneth recently introduced me to lol cats.

My current favorites, oh how I love them:

Kenneth, while interested in lol cats, introduced them to me as background for bigger delights:

lol gay
(from their pride parade feature)

and lolhan

(this last one, of course, refers to a lol-cat-related phenomenon which I discovered all by my self)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this trend to my attention--funny funny. I like the relationship between image and text. The low-tech feel is nice too.

Anonymous said...

I do believe I've seen the bucket image referred to as the "Bucket LOLrus"... which is, of course, hilarious. Amazing what some clever captioning can do, eh? (Personally, though, I don't really get why it's fun/funny to spell everything wrong? I must just be kinda' square.)

Erk said...

"Bucket Lolrus": that's brilliant. Thanks for that!

I figure the stylistic standards of lolcats, etc. to represent kitty dialect, which I find charming and funny. Grammar of the diminutive.