
Conte d'automne

Autumns in Wisconsin, since I've known it, have been dreadfully short. A prolonged alteration between winter days and summer days, with the former zapping the trees' leaves long before they have a chance to turn pretty. This year, though, everything is gorgeously autumnal: golden leaves awash in intensely golden light which both dazzles me and makes me wistful.

I swear I've been working on my dissertation, just haven't used these particular books recently. I discovered these webs after a stint of pleasure reading. I'm floating through Ann Radcliffe's gothic novel The Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe's melancholy, atmospheric prose is perfect for this time of year. Plus...

Can you imagine a better epigraph? High-pitched yet weirdly obtuse. If you think you can root out something better, you should sit down and start penning neo-gothic prose, a chapbook at the very least. I'm off to climb into the bath, bask in some golden light, and fret over poor Emily...

1 comment:

MC said...

moments after reading this I looked up and saw cobwebs on the cieling of my studio. you're not alone!!!