
Wait a minute baby...

Listening to Tusk which sweet Kenny gave me for my birthday. Puzzling over the song Sara:

"Drowning in the sea of love,
Where everyone would love to drown."


MC said...

In all honesty, Tusk is the record I have been listening to most this month. "Sisters of the Moon" into "Angel" is more than perfect.....magical!!!

Anonymous said...

If you like Tusk, you should go to:


and download the 11/06/1979 St. Louis, MO bootleg.

They play a great version of Angel during this show.

Erk said...

Don't get me wrong: I answered "No...", all the while adoring Tusk and Sara and Stevie and her excessive need for love...

MC, you are a pop star, so I'm not surprised by your answer... ;)

anonymous, thanks for the great tip! I'm downloading and bootleggin as I write...