
From This Weekend's Market

These beans have the most amazing, delicate texture and flavor.

Sweet wee turnips

Sweet peppers, one of which made its way (after roasting) into the Ah, Wilderness! corn salad.

Finally, the proper name of this green has been captured:

Not pictured: zucchini, yellow squashes, beets


MC said...

Which was wee-er, the turnips or lemon?

Erk said...

Oh, that lemon is the wee-est of all time, I'm sure!

MC said...

I think about that lemon all the time. ALL the time.

Erk said...

I look for similarly wee meyer lemons-- I know they're out there somewhere-- but... it was a really special lemon, that. I'm so delighted that you help me keep its memory alive.

Drew said...

Congratulations on making one of the more phallic vegetables even more phallic!