
Lavender Limeade

The lavender syrup provides the rosy color.


MC said...

i purchased a bundle of lavender from the market this weekend with the specific intention of making lavender lemonade. How'd you go about infusing the syrup?

Erk said...

I boiled the lavender in the water for a minute and then let it sit and steep for a good 10 minutes. I strained out the lavender and then made a simple syrup with the infusion. Using some dried lavender in this process will increase the rosiness.

You might throw a sprig or two of the lavender into the pitcher while cooling the lemonade-- to let the aromatic lavender further infuse.

If you want a fancy garnish, save a few sprigs of the lavender to throw into the glasses before serving.

MC said...

Mine turned out beautifully! Thanks for the tips! I'm ready to make my second pitcher!
