
Fake It 'Til You Make It?

I constantly have anxiety dreams about marching band.

Last night, I began with being late for a pre-graduation ceremony. I knew I'd dreamed about this ceremony before and I had: I had dream memories several times during the dream (last time, there was a parking garage there, etc.). There's a hazy scene of my mother patiently driving me to the school ground. As usual, I'd forgotten I was in the band. And thus forgotten that I needed to attend the ceremony. When I finally got off the band bus-- the last trip transporting stragglers to the field-- I realized I'd forgotten my horn. Somehow, I picked up a flute and a saxophone with no mouthpiece; I figured that by carrying these I would at least look like I was playing-- better than marching with no instrument at all. Kathy Jenkins-- harried but incredibly focused-- hustled past me. To get to the field, all band members (in full uniform and carrying instruments) had to go through an obstacle course including a window wrapped in sheets of rubbery plastic which we had to squeeze through. This course was an annual ritual, but we agreed that this year they'd taken things too too far. It was now dark, and I think I set down the flute and saxophone, forgetting them on the other side of the window. I would probably fail band for the semester and would look like a fool in the ceremony when the senior band members were called forward to be honored. But, I gloated that I didn't have my horn with me-- it would have been dented in all the confusion. Maybe everyone would just chuckle at me without my horn-- chuckle at the creative type. The marching formations were unrehearsed and communicated to us only by a series of numbers printed on our hats in red. Still, everyone else seemed better informed, more aware of what they were doing and where they were headed than I was. I could hear a member of the school council delivering a prayer. I knew what teachers and parents didn't: he was a nocturnal beast. It was afternoon and things were less hectic as we sauntered toward the field. Katina Allen was there and chirped pleasantly to me. I knew I would fail band for the semester. Night had fallen and I was racing to spot #23 amidst emotionless band members. Were we even on the field? It looked like a hill way off to one side.

Jump cut to the blazing bright afternoon immediately following the event, and I'm strutting down the sidewalk next to the high school which had the look of the Stanford campus. I had gotten into Harvard, I'd just learned, and couldn't wait to go, even though I knew Rory Gilmore wouldn't be there with me. Maybe my band grade didn't mean anything at all??!?


tooknap press said...

they have taken things too far. I love the rubbery plastic window orifice -- reminds me of the birth canal womb/window circumcision in tristram shandy (the movie), although I might be still thinking of yesterday's post, which made me wonder what you thought of tristram shandy (the movie). also love "were we even on the field?" - my dreams always include some such question, usually tied to location or landscape.

I hate rory gilmore. & love your secret knowledge of the nocturnal beast.

Erk said...

Reading Sterne changed my life. And I adore Tristram Shandy (the movie), which is so smart and funny and sad, which attests to the fact that Sterne is still relevant and needn't be discussed in terms of Locke, though I have no objection to the latter. The movie's in heavy rotation on IFC , and as soon as we have a little more room available on our DVR, I must capture and revisit it.

Say what you like, Rory Gilmore is a good kid.

tooknap press said...

I take it back about rory gilmore. I just wanted to be cool.

Erk said...

We're very into Gilmore Girls at our house. We just completed watching all seven seasons on DVD-- what I refer to as the 300 Days of Squirrels. You're welcome to diss Rory and GG in general. I'm sure I could supply details to support any qualms you have (as well as potential counterarguments). My comment was a joke, really: on the show, everyone's always remarking that Rory is such a "good kid." It makes Kenneth a little crazy, that.

tooknap press said...

ok, I'm so out of it, and thought rory gilmore was an actual kid you went to school with, and wanted to leave behind on your Harvard journey. my comment was in no way an indictment of GG, or your love of said show, which has always pleased me (your love, not the show itself, which I confess to have never seen).

Erk said...

Kathy and Katina are, btw, real kids from my past. Only Rory is televisual. And on GG, Rory opts to go to Yale after years of only wanting to go to Harvard (to which she is accepted).

Shoot, I was all excited for you to indict GG. Really. Kenneth and I would discuss your indictment for hours and hours.

Until just now, I thought indict was spelled indight,. Its proper spelling is much more interesting (and makes much more sense).

tooknap press said...

I thought rory was a boy.
and indight is so much lighter, a whipped meringue. . .